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Our Galileo® Training Devices

Galileo invented the side-alternating vibration training 30 years ago. Starting point was the research in muscle and bone of the sister-company Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH. Galileo is used most effectively in a wide variety of applications - from Athletes to home fitness, from kids to the elderly, from fitness clubs to space research.

Galileo® Training Devices
for end-users

Galileo® Training Devices
for professional users

Galileo® Training for Athletes

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What our customers say

The side alternating original

Convince yourself of our devices and test the Galileo® products.

Most Popular Galileo® Training Devices

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Galileo S 35 Haltest 1200 1
made in germany siegel

What is special about Galileo® Training

Reflex-based muscle activation based on physiological movement patterns.


Fast & Effective

Training effects starting with 5 minutes per day.

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Made in Germany

Development and manufacturing in Germany.

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Proven Quality

10 years service warranty & 5 years warrenty for end-users in Germany.

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We develop, produce, distribute and train Galileo products since 1996.


30 years of experience

Since1996 we support our Galileo® customers world-wide.

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Based on Scientific Research

Effectiveness demonstrated in over 500 scientiffic publications.

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Do you have questions about our products or would you like to purchase a product?

Get advice from our experts. Simply arrange a phone-call to answer your questions.

Galileo® Training Fact Sheets

Resuls of Research with Galileo

About Us

Novotec Medical GmbH & Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH

Novotec Medical GmbH founded in 2001 and located in southern Germany Pforzheim is certified medical devices manufacturer and producer of Galileo Training and Therapy Devices as well as Leonardo Performance Assessment systems (Mechanography).

News about us

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Do you have questions about our products or would you like to purchase a product?

Get advice from our experts. Simply arrange a phone-call to answer your questions.

The verdict of our customers: Excellent


4.7 out of 5 stars based on 868 reviews

30 years of experience

Since 1996 we support our Galileo® customers worldwide.

Made in Germany

Development and manufacturing in Germany.

Proven Quality

10-year service guarantee &
5-year warranty for private customers in Germany.

Service & Support

Unlimited user support for all Galileo customers.


Effectiveness demonstrated in over 500 scientiffic publications.

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