Galileo Research Facts No. 23: Is oxygen uptake during Galileo Training independent from frequency and Amplitude?

Galileo Research Facts No. 23: Is oxygen uptake during Galileo Training independent from frequency and amplitude?

This study reports the influence of frequency and amplitude during Galileo Training on the oxygen uptake (1 min., 18-34Hz, position 1.5 to 3.5, active standing at 170°). The results show that with increasing frequency and amplitude oxygen consumption during Galileo Training can be increased up to 170%. The effect of higher increasing frequencies dominated the effect of increasing amplitude…

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Galileo Research Facts No. 22: Does oxygen uptake during Galileo Training increase with frequency and extra loading?

Galileo Research Facts No. 22: Does oxygen uptake during Galileo Training increase with frequency and extra loading?

This study tested the influence of frequency and extra loading during Galileo Training on the oxygen uptake (1 min., 18Hz and 34Hz, position 2.5, active standing at 170°, extra loading 40% of lean body mass). The results show that with increasing frequency and increasing extra loading Galileo Training can increase oxygen uptake by up to 260%.

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Galileo Research Facts No. 18: Is the transfer to the head greater with Galileo Training than with vertical vibration?

Galileo Research Facts No. 18: Does Galileo Training transmit more vibrations to the head than vertical vibration training?

This study compares vibration transmission to the head at different knee angles for Galileo Training compared with vertical vibration (30Hz, pos. 2, standing, knee angle between 10° and 35°). For identical stimulation parameters (30Hz, pos. 2) vibration transmission to the head for Galileo Training is between 40% and 65% smaller than in vertical vibration. For this reason Galileo Training also supports frequencies below 20Hz…

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Galileo Research Facts No. 15: Can Galileo Training decrease contractures?

Galileo Research Facts No. 15: Can Galileo Training decrease contractures?

This study shows the effect of Galileo Therapy (Cologne Concept: 3×3 minutes, 10 session/week, 26 weeks) with Spina Bifida patients (5-13 years). Contractures in Hip extension improved up to 36% and up to 14% in knee extension. At the same time standing improved by 36% (GMFM-D) and walking improved by 20% (GMFM-E). (Before Galileo Therapy, after Galileo, after additional 6 month without Galileo Therapy)…

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Galileo Research Facts No. 2: Is Galileo Training more effective for muscle activation than vertical vibration?

Galileo Research Facts No. 2: Is Galileo Training more effective for muscle activation than vertical vibration?

This study compares muscle activation of the legs (EMG) of Galileo Training compared to vertical vibration (30Hz and 2mm amplitude). Compared to vertical vibration Galileo Training results in up to 150% higher additional activation of the muscle using identical amplitude and frequency (100% equivalent to standing)…

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