Und wieder stellt die Arbeitsgruppe um Marco Toigo von der ETH in Zürich die traditionelle Trainingslehre auf den Kopf: High Intensity Training (HIT) ist eine enorm forderndes Training mit großen Effekten auf die Ausdauer (aerobe Muskulatur). Typisches Beispiel ist Fahrrad Ergometer bei sehr hohen Lasten (einige tausend Watt, also weit mehr als ein handelsübliches Ergometer ermöglicht) bei dem man die Muskulatur über wenige Minuten (hier 4) Maximal verausgabt.
The goal is to exhaust the muscles completely just in a few minutes (in this case just 4 minutes). Typically HIT has a significant negative effect on the fast twitch fibers (anaerobe muscles) which results in a significant decrease of anaerobe power and fiber cross sectional area. Well – up to now. Toigos group added in between sets just 3 minutes of Galileo Training at 18Hz (and 30Hz in an additional group) simply standing with bent knees on the Galileo. The astonishing result: The negative effects of HIT on anaerobe muscles and power could be completely compensated by the additional Galileo Training at 18 Hz while the positive Effects of HIT were not affected.
The study also shows that for this special purpose the Galileo Training at 18 Hz is about 20% more effective than at 30Hz. Another side-effect was, that the pause time could be reduced significantly (to the 3 Minutes). So whoever uses HIT should consider to add Galileo Training at 18 Hz for the rest phases in-between sets. But there is an even higher potential: keep in mind that Galileo Training can decrease muscle soreness after intense training by 50% (#GRFS1) and Creatinekinase by 40% (#GRFS5). In Addition stretching in between sets or after sets can increase the training effect of standard muscle exercises. So: Add Galileo to your workout!
#GRFS28 #GalileoTraining #GalileoResearchFacts #GalileoWorkout #HIT #GalileoHIT #HighIntensityTraining #WholeBodyVibrationTraining #MechanoStimulation #VibrationTraining #Workout
- 15.09.2023
- Produktgruppen: Galileo Therapy, Galileo Training
- Themen: Athletics, Back, Back Pain, Diseases, Fit Aging, Fitness at Home, Fitness at the Gym, Fitness at Work, Geriatrics, Health Promotion at Work, Incontience, Medical Applications, Neurological Conditions, Orthopedic Diseases, Osteoporosis, Paediatrics, Pelvic Floor, Prevention, Pyhsitherapy & Rehabilitation, SCI, Stroke, Therapy & Prevention using Galileo, Training for Kids, Training with Galileo, Wellness & Beauty