Space Research

Galileo Research Facts No. 90: Can Galileo Training decrease Creatine Kinase levels during bedrest?

Galileo Research Facts No. 90: Can Galileo Training decrease Creatine Kinase levels during bedrest?

During the 2nd Berlin Bedrest study (#BBR2) the influence of intense Galileo Training on Creatine Kinase levels was investigated. During this study the participants had to stay in bed for 55 days. One control group did no training at all, the second resistance training. The Galileo group received identical resistance training (1.5 times body weight) + vibration only 6 * 1 minute and only 3 times per week.

The very interesting result was, that the intense and exhaustive Galileo Training group showed only CK-levels comparable to the passive control group which did no exercise at all for the complete 55 days. CK is believed to indicate the amount of muscle fiber damage caused by training. Therefore, the passive control group would be expected to show the lowest CK levels. However, after half the bedrest phase the Galileo Group showed even lower CK levels than that group while getting for many aspects even better training results than the resistance training groups showing the highest CK levels.

These results are in line with #GRFS5 which showed that Galileo cool-down could decrease muscle pain by 50% and CK levels by 40% after intensive exercise. The study also shows that even intense Galileo Training obviously results in lower CK-levels and therefore in less muscle fiber damage.

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