
Galileo Research Facts No. 22: Does oxygen uptake during Galileo Training increase with frequency and extra loading?

Galileo Research Facts No. 22: Does oxygen uptake during Galileo Training increase with frequency and extra loading?

This study shows one of the most important reasons why Galileo Training can increase muscle power and why it can build muscle – and why the high frequencies in particular are so important: The massive increase in oxygen uptake is one of the essential triggers why the blood flow has to be increased (GRFS19 #GRFS20 #GRFS21 ) because the increased oxygen and energy uptake caused by the almost maximum activated muscles during intense Galileo Training needs to be compensated by the cardio-vascular system. Interestingly this can be achieved with a comparably low load of the cardio-vascular system. Interestingly this can be achieved with a comparably low load of the cardio-vascular system. Therefore, even very unfit individuals can profit effectively from Galileo Training.

This high oxygen uptake is also an indicator that the muscle needs to work hard which is the key to a fast exhaustion of the muscles (goal is to exhaust the muscle maximal within less than 60 seconds, if needed using additional weights). Locally this high oxygen uptake causes a massive lack of oxygen within the muscle which causes an increase of the vessel’s diameter on a bio-chemical basis which increases blood-flow and therefore energy supply of the muscle.

In mid-term the body reacts on this lack of oxygen almost identically as to high-altitude training as used by athletes: increase of blood vessels/perfusion and increase of red blood cells which is one of the reasons why Galileo Training also can have high effects on endurance capacity ( #GRFS11 #GRFS12 ) – The key for all these effects is maximum exhaustion in a short time – or a 400m run (60s) on the Galileo!

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